LinkSOFT Version 14.60

Monday, May 1, 2023

Status: Completed. Delivered on: 01 April 2023

1. General Improvements to logging
2. Bug fixes and minor performance improvements

Version: 14.60


1. Tagging Multiple fleet to a Driver similar to the way multiple drivers are added to a vehicle (L12860)
2. Performance Management System Enhancement - Bonus Calculation (L12847)
3. New Access to Role Menu Access - Can Edit Company in menu ''User Maintenance -> Company Tab'' Edit Form (L12855)
4. MYOB AP Invoice Integration supports only 1 Tax Code greater than zero (L12752)
5. Multiple Minor changes to LinkSOFT to improve Usability, Functionality and Stability (L12854)
6. Message for Restrict Vehicle Fueling to 1 Fill per day is after fueling. It should be on Card Validation Similar to Expired Card Alert (L12841)
7. Leave Allocation Screen to show unprocessed hours (L12827)
8. Improvements to Gridview Page Filters so that every page has "Show Void", "Date Filters", "Automatic Refresh" and "Intelligent Search" (L12850)
9. Add Shift ID and Rate Per Hour for Reports - Employee Listing Report, Leave Transaction Report and Leave Balance Report (L12821)
10. HRM - Employee Data View, add additional columns (L12858)

New Feature

1. Superannuation Report (Solomon Islands SINPF) (L12791)
2. IR9 - Employer Monthly PAYE Summary (L12794)

Software Defect

1. Status of Processes in "Company Maintenance" and "Process Maintenance" in "Global Administration" does not correctly reflect if the system is using SQLAgent or LinkProcessService (L12859)
2. POS Login - Change Server Connection Details is not working (L12861)
3. MYOB API - Internal Error - An exception was thrown that was not handled correctly. If this situation persists please contact for further assistance. (L12867)
4. Invoices Integrated from MYOB to LinkSOFT Fail to sign into TIMS as the Tax Amount is Negative for Credit Notes (L12866)
5. Email Address (to Email Address) are removed in a multi-company environment (L12864)
6. Database Upgrade Fails. Message: Invalid object name 'LT_SYS_ProcessRulesModuleConfiguration_vw' (L12863)
7. Bank file account number is incorrect when an employee has NO Gross Amount, however, there is a Banking amount in the Pay (L12865)
8. API calls for XERO should use LastReadDate as the Current time instead of the Record datetime stamp (L12868)


1. Employee Mapping cannot be done in LinkSOFT Local Database when we have a TNA Integration to Cloud Environment (L12862)

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