Status: Completed. Delivered on: 26 May 2023
Minor Updates, Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
1. Reports taking a long time to generate or "Times Out" (L12901)
2. Enhancement to ''TimeManagementTNAEmployeeMapping'' data import template (L12891)
3. Enhancement to Data View ''POS - Invoice Listing With Driver Details'' to allow for TIME filters (L12876)
4. Documentation update for "ANZ - Diskpay - All" Bank file. (L12893)
5. Display Message for Restrict Vehicle Fueling to 1 Fill per day on the Pin and Mileage form on Card Swipe (L12896)
6. Data Views: "Order Detail Sales" and "Invoice Detail Listing" Times out for 1 days data when Load Data is clicked (L12895)
7. Change to Payslip report - Add "Employee Start Date" and "Employee Status" (L12874)
8. "Last Mileage" shown on the "Fleet Maintenance" screen is currently showing highest mileage instead of the "Last Mileage" (based on Transaction Date) (L12899)
9. "Invoice View" and "Shift Management" forms times out in databases with very large volume of POS Transactions (L12894)
1. Data View for "Grade History" (L12906)
2. Bank File Name should include COMPANY CODE as it is difficult to identify the COMPANY in a multi company environment (L12907)
1. Reports: "Customer Fleet Statement", "Customer Fleet Transaction Listing", when generated filtered by Customer Category and Customer Group report comes as blank (L12898)
2. Incorrect Journal Set Created for Negative Variance in Cashier "Shift Close" (L12884)
3. Helpdesk Case shows Hourglass when loading calls with Large Images. (L12892)
4. "Timesheet Import" using LinkSOFT API does not submit entries for processing. Error Message "You cannot change a batch that is in-progress or completed" (L12890)
5. "Timesheet Import" using LinkSOFT API does Apply Employee Mapping filter for all companies other than Company Code "1001" (L12889)
6. "Customer Fleet Charges" Report gives error when filtered by "Customer Category" (L12897)