LinkSOFT Version 15.10

Monday, December 18, 2023

LinkSOFT Version 15.10

Status: Released. Delivered on: 18 December 2023

LinkSOFT Version 15.10
 - Minor bug fixes and improvements

Issues addressed in version: 15.10


1. Users can Post a Purchase Order for an Obsolete Inventory Item (L12922)
2. User Login Events should contain more information such as Organisation/Company details (L12962)
3. Recompute Customer Balance - "Exclude "POSCASH" (L12973)
4. Process SYS005 - Attachment Purge Option needs to explain which attachments are being deleted (L12969)
5. Improvements to Purge Data - Include "FMIS transactions" and "Pay Bank Submission" (L12970)
6. Database Maintenance Improvement allowing us to Shrink the Database to save disk space as part of cleanup (L12975)
7. Add the following modules so we can monitor licence application usage (L12986)

Software Defect

1. Transaction Date in POS sometimes refreshes to "Current Date" after it has been changed (L12980)
2. Returns done in POS does not recalculate stock in the valuation table (L12976)
3. Purge Data Operation is failing in version 15 (L12971)
4. Helpdesk Case "Private" flag doesn't allow he User Assigned to view the case (L12985)
5. Figures get consolidated into 1 GL Code in the Acumatica FMIS Integration Output File (L12982)
6. Business Intelligence Data Views that have a Date/Time should end at 11:59 PM (L12968)
7. An employee from Company 1 cannot apply for the vacancy in Company 2 (L12983)

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