Status: Released Delivery date: 24 July 2024
LinkSOFT Version 15.40
1. PayDayManual Tax File for FRCS in menu "Payroll Processing ~> Tax Submission", the Approval Numbers needs to be BLANK or 12 digit number padded with leading Zeros (L13045)
1. Update Product Master with the "Supplier" from the most recent "Purchase Receipt" (L13027)
2. Separate security access to menu "Time Management ~> TNA Setup" for tabs "Mapping" and "Rules" (L13053)
3. Security Updates as of 30th July 2024 (L13055)
4. Multiple Minor Changes to LinkSOFT for general Product Improvement (L13037)
5. Employer Excess FNPF to be based on "GROSS PAY" or "Total Emoluments" (L13038)
6. Add Territory / Branch / Cost Centre & Pay Team Columns to Leave Approval form under Leave Management (L13049)
7. "Pay Close" takes 35 minutes for 700 employees. Can we speed this up? (L13041)
1. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. (L13025)
2. Payroll Processing raises an error when a new pay is submitted to "Verify" (L13036)
3. License Usage Detail View does not accurately reflect usage (L13046)
4. Incorrect file name transferred to FTP Backup - File name truncated (L13047)