LinkSOFT Version 15.50

Saturday, September 14, 2024

LinkSOFT Version 15.50

Status: Maintenance. Delivered on: 14 September 2024

LinkSOFT Version 15.50

Issues addressed in version: 15.50


1. Timeout error message appears when loading Approval Workflow from menu "Approval Workflow -> User Workflow" (L13067)
2. Separate security access to menu "Company Administration -> Approval Workflow" for tabs "Maintain Approval Workflow" and "User Workflow" (L13057)
3. Remove "Inactive" Employees from Leave and Time forms (L13062)
4. Multiple Minor Changes to LinkSOFT for general Product Improvement (L13058)
5. Leave transactions should show Financial Year. Change "Year" in Leave Allocation to "Financial Year" (L13069)
6. Leave Transaction Report -Pay Rates showing (Refer to case: L12821) (L13068)
7. Display Margin% and Margin $ on Product Master Beside Each Location (L13028)
8. Claim Entry to be a fixed Value as it is used for Expenses that are not always "Time related" (L13065)
9. Allow Return of Custom KIT Item with Return Reason having In-Stock Enabled (L13022)
10. Add Email Configuration to Company Level settings so users can use different Email settings for each company (L13071)

New Feature

1. Data View - Users in a Workflow (L13064)
2. Data View - Approvers in a Workflow (L13063)

Software Defect

1. Separate security access to menu "Time Management ~> TNA Setup" for tabs "Mapping" and "Rules" [Created from case L13053] (L13061)

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